Avocado or Banana for your potassium fix?

Do you go for a Banana avoid muscle cramps after a strenuous workout?
Did you know Avocados contain 35% more potassium than Bananas?
Why is Potassium so important?
Potassium is...
...the 3rd most abundant mineral in the body. Roughly 98% of the potassium in your body is found in your cells. Of this, 80% is found in your muscle cells, while the other 20% can be found in your bones, liver and red blood cells.
......a mineral that is essential for all of the body's functions. Once ingested, it functions as an electrolyte because it’s highly reactive in water. When dissolved in water, it produces positively charged ions. This special property allows it to conduct electricity, which is important for many processes throughout the body.
....helps the body regulate fluid, send nerve signals and regulate muscle activity, heartbeat and blood pressure. It also regulates movement of nutrients into cells, and removal of cellular waste
A potassium-rich diet is linked to many powerful health benefits. It may help reduce blood pressure and water retention, protect against stroke and help prevent osteoporosis and kidney stones.
Most health authorities recommend getting 3,500–4,700 mg of potassium daily. Half an avocado could provide you with over 12% of your Daily potassium intake.