An Avocado a Day keeps the Doctor Away...

Yes the saying goes "An apple a day keeps the doctor away" but it's actually true for avocados as well. Why you wonder? Because it can help keep your arteries healthy...Here is the main reason...
We all know there is good and bad cholesterol. The bad one - called LDL aka low-density lipoproteins - is responsible for encouraging plaque to build up in your arteries. Buildup can make it hard for blood to flow through your arteries causing potential life threatening heart attacks and strokes.
Research shows that avocado consumption helps lower total cholesterol and specifically LDL particles. Oxidized LDL particles are especially bad for you, as they can be the start of plaque build-up in the artery wall. They can also be the basis for cancer and heart disease. Oxidation is not good and that's where avocados come to the rescue!
Eating half an avocado a day (unless your doctor tells you otherwise) can make a big difference on your long term health and it's so delicious!