Loca Loca Loca

Yes, In the trade once a year you will hear people talk about "La Fruta Loca", "The Crazy Fruit". Why crazy? Well simply because during 2 months in the year, avocados are very very difficult to ripen.
Mother Nature has her ways and just like any other fruit, avocados have a season. We tend to like our fruits at their peak. For Avocados that tends to be when their dry matter (oil content) is at a good to high level. That is when you bite into the buttery, nutty texture everyone loves. The higher the dry matter content the better the taste. The higher the oil, the faster the fruit will ripen!
Opposite to the buttery texture everyone loves, is a grassier taste and more watery texture which you will get to enjoy only 2 months in the year. The new fruit hold low oil content and tends therefore to be difficult to ripen. Some say it is impossible. During this time, a green colored avocado does not mean it is not ripe, and they can feel harder than usual as well. They are totally edible.
This is why we do not offer green avocados or accept to ship avocados unless we are in high season because ripening is a complex balance that we take care of for you so all you have to do is enjoy the fruit.
Avocados are a fickle fruit. It has taken us years of trial and error to navigate the change in season and we still learn every year.
La Fruta Loca tends to arrive starting July through September. This is when pricing tends to go very high and you might find yourself with rock hard or "dryer" avocados if you try to ripen at home.