Here is your Weight manager!
Have you been looking for a weight manager?
Not a personal trainer or a gym membership but a weight manager. Our weight manager will help you get healthier by adding fresh fruit to your diet. A superfood with low sugar, healthy fats and high fibers. It will help you absorb nutrients from other fruits and vegetables so that you really benefit from what you eat. How is this possible, you wonder? All you have to do is add some avocados to your daily diet.*
I am sure you have heard your doctor recommend a mediterranean diet to you before. The diet that should prioritize a daily intake of fresh fruit, vegetables and nuts. Including avocados will do wonders to your daily meals, here is why..
Avocados will help you boost your metabolism
The main role of your metabolism is to convert calories from food into energy that can be used throughout the day. It’s what keeps your heart beating, your mind thinking and your body moving. The faster your metabolism runs, the more calories you burn. The more you burn, the easier it is to lose weight. While your metabolism is partly ruled by genetics, you can rev it up naturally by eating certain foods. Avocados can even help decrease fat storage when consumed in adequate amounts thanks to its high content of monounsaturated fatty acids - specifically oleic acid. Oleic acid is the same fatty acid found in olives and olive oil. This type of fat is considered very healthy.
Avocados will help you feel fuller longer
Sometimes eating a salad and some fruit will make you obsess about food because hunger creeps back to haunt you in less than 2 hours! That's when the craving temptation is at its worst. Adding avocado to your meal will be the perfect solution to help you stay away from temptation. Avocado has the perfect combination of high fiber and low sugar. Its high content in fiber will make you feel fuller longer and will also contribute to healthier digestion. The lower the sugar the better your body can manage its blood sugar levels thus avoiding dips in energy and spikes in feeling hungry.
Avocados will help you absorb more nutrients and vitamins
You may be ingesting a myriad of vitamins only to find out that your body is not able to absorb much of it. This is because Vitamins A, D, E and K, are better absorbed by our body when they are consumed together with fat.
A rule of thumb is to combine your vegetables, such as dark greens and those of red, yellow and orange color with a healthy fat to maximize vitamin absorption. There are many options available from Cold pressed olive oil, nuts, eggs or fish and of course our favorite Avocado.
It is the easy solution for a nut free alternative, or a vegan or vegetarian option. The creamy texture of Avocado is the perfect add-on to any meal. It never overpowers the taste of your meal and always enhances the flavors adorning your plate. It is a favorite from the very first solid food a baby tries to an adults' go-to for a healthy add-on to any meal in the day.
How do you eat your avocados? Share with us your favorite recipes and combinations. We always love to hear from you.
* unless not recommended by your physician